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    Steve Jobs Biography

    Steve Jobs

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    Steve Jobs
    Steve Jobs Headshot 2010-CROP.jpg
    BirthSteven Paul Jobs 
    24 February 1955 San Francisco 
    The deathOctober 5, 2011 (age 56) Palo Alto , California , United States
    the nationalityAmerican
    BusinessCo-founder, Cherman and CEO,Apple Inc. ° , Pixar , Co-founder and CEO, Next Ink.
    Total value$ 7.0 billion dollars
    Board membershipThe Walt Disney Company ,Apple Inc.
    religious affiliationBuddhism
    SpouseLorraine Powell
    (1991 - 2011, his death)
    children4 - Lisa Brennan-Jobs , Reid, Erin, Eve
    RelatedMona Simpson (sister)
    Steven Paul "Steve" Jobs ( English : Steven Paul "Steve" Jobs ) (born February 24 , 1955 - October 5 , 2011 ) was an American business tycoon and inventor. He was co-founder and chief executive officer of Apple Inc. In August 2011, he resigned from the post. Jobs Pixar was also the Chief Executive Officer of Animation Studios. In 2006, she was also a member of the Walt Disney Company's board of directors, after which Disney acquired Pixar. He worked as an executive producer in the movie Toy Story in 1995 .

    Introduction edit ]

    Former Apple CEO of computer , laptop and mobile phone maker and well known US industrialist Steve Jobs struggles to achieve this position in life. California in San Francisco by Paul born Steve and cholera Jobs was adopted by his mother. Jobs studied in California only At that time they did not have much money and they used to work in the summer holidays to overcome their financial problems.
    1 9 72 in jobs by Portland 's Reed College 's graduation from. During the studies he had to sleep on the ground in his friend's room. He used to sell coke bottles and used to raise money to eat and also had a free meal once a week from nearby Krishna temple . Jobs possessed nearly $ 5.1 billion worth of assets and was the 43rd richest person in the United States.
    Jobs traveled to India for spiritual knowledge and adopted Buddhism . Jobs by 1 99 1 in Lorraine Powell of marriagedid. They have a son. [2]

    Early life edit ]

    Steve Jobs was born on February 24, 1955 in San Francisco , California . At the time of Steve's birth, his parents had not been married, that is why he decided to adopt him. That is why Steve was adopted by  California Paul Reinhold Jobs and Clara Jobs . Clara Jobs did not get a bachelor's degree from college, and Paul Jobs only got education from high school.
    When Jobs was 5 years old, his family moved from San Francisco to Mountain View, California . Paul used to work as a mechanic and a carpenter , and taught his son how to work with rudimentary electronics and 'how to work with his hands', the other and Clara were an accountant, and Steve taught them to read. [3] Jobs did his primary education in Monta Loma Primary School and received higher education from the Courthrino Jr. High and Homestead High School. After graduating high school graduation in 1972, Jobs gave OregonRied College, but Reed College was very expensive and his parents had no money. This is why Steve left college and enrolled in creative classes, one of which was on calligraphy .

    Business edit ]

    Early work edit ]

    In May 1973, Jobs worked as a technician in the attic. There people called him "difficult but valuable". In mid-1974, Jobs came to visit Karoli Baba with friends of some of his Reed College in search of spiritual knowledge. But when he reached Karoli Baba's ashram, he came to know that his death had occurred in September 1973. After that, he decided to meet Headingh Babaji. Because of which, he spent much time in Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and Himachal Pradesh in India.
    After seven months in India , he went back to America . He changed his appearance, he shaved his head and started wearing traditional Indian clothes, as well as he became a serious businessman of Jain, Buddhist religions.
    In 1976, Jobs and Wozniak formed their own business, which they named as "Apple Computer Company". At first he used to sell circuit boards.

    Apple Computer edit ]

    Apple logo
    Logo being used since August 27, 1999
    In 1976, Steve Wozniack invented the Macintosh Apple 1 computer. When Wozniack showed this job, Job suggested to sell it, to sell it, he and Apple started to build Apple Computer in the Wozniack garage. To complete this work, he received money from semi retired Intel Product Marketing Manager and engineer Mike Markkulla. [4]
    In 1978, Mike Scott was recruited by the National Semiconductor as Apple's Chief Executive Officer. In 1983, Jobs asked the greedy John Scully to leave Pepsi Cola and work as Apple's Chief Executive Officer, "Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugar water, or do you want to change the world? Want a chance? "
    During the board meeting of April 10, 1985 and 11, the directors of Apple's board gave the right to remove jobs from all roles except for the presidency of Scully.
    But John stopped the decision for a while. On May 24, 1985, a board meeting was held to resolve the matter, in this meeting jobs were removed as head of the Macintosh division and from its managerial duties.

    Next computer edit ]

    Next Computer
    After resigning from Apple, Steve founded Next in 1985 Next workstation was known for its technical strength, its purpose-oriented software development system was to create. Tim Berners Lee invented the World Wide Web on a Next Computer Within a year, due to lack of capital, he made a partnership with Ross Perot and Parrott invested his capital in the Next. In 1990 NeXT launched its first computer in the market, which was worth 9999 dollars. But this computer was not accepted in the market because it was expensive. Then next year NeXT made a new advanced 'internal personal' computer. [5]

    Return to Apple edit ]

    After the condition of Apple's market deteriorated in 1996, Steve became the Chief Executive Officer of Apple after selling Next Computer to Apple. Since 1997, he worked as a CEO in the company ° C ° o ° in 1998, in the market of IMAAC [6]which was a very attractive and small transparent shell with P ° ° C, Apple gained great success under his leadership. In 2001, Apple created Eye Pod . Then, in 2001, the Tunes Store was built. In 2007, Apple's iPhone are made mobile phone called a big success. In 2010, Apple made a tablet computer named i Pad . In 2011, he resigned from the post of CEO, but he remained the chairman of the board. [7]

    Personal life edit ]

    Jobs has a sister named Mona Simpson. Their old daughter was born in 1978, whose first name was Lisa Brennan Jobs. In 1991, they married Lauren Powell. They had three children from this marriage. A boy and two girls The boy's name is Reid, born in 1991. His eldest daughter is named Erin, who was born in 1995 and the younger daughter is Eve, who was born in 1998. He was a great fan of the musician The Beatles and was inspired by them.

    Death edit ]

    In 2003, he had pancreatic cancer. They did not treat the disease correctly. Jobs died on October 5, 2011 at 3 o'clock in Palo Alto, California home. His last rites took place in October 2011. On the occasion of his demise, large companies like Microsoft and Disney lamented. All Amarnica was bereaved. After leaving his wife and three children left behind.

    Awards edit ]

    In 1982, Time Magazine gave the title of Machine of the Year title to Apple Computer. In the year 1985, he received the National Medal of Technology by the American President. In the same year, he received Samuels S Beard Prize for his contribution. In November 2007, Fortune magazine named him the most powerful man in the industry.Gave the title of In the same year he also received the California Hall of Fame award. In August 2009, he was selected as the most admired entrepreneur among teenagers in a survey by Junior Achievement. The first was named 'Entrepreneurs of the Decade' in 1989 by 20 years ago by Ink magazine. 5 November 2009, Jabs was named CEO of the Decade by Fortune Magazine. In November 2010, Jabs Forbes magazine chose him as his 'Person of the Year'. On December 21, 2011, the Graphics Company in Budapest presented Steve Jobs the world's first Bronze statue, choosing one of the greatest personalities of the modern era. When young adults (ages 16-25) were asked to choose the biggest innovator of time in January 2012, Steve Jobs was second behind Thomas Edison. On February 12, 2012, he was succeeded by Grammy Trustee [8]Awards were found to affect the music industry in the areas 'unrelated to performance'. In March 2012, the global business magazine Fortune named them 'the best visionary, inspiring, the best entrepreneur of our generation. The two films John Carter and Brave have been dedicated to Jabs.
    ""stay Hungry Stay Foolish""
    Three stories - which can change your life! Read the life stories of Apple's founder, Steve Jobs, who can change the life of your company, which can change your life. Steve Jobs Whenever the name of the world's most influential entrepreneurs is taken, then there should not be any other name, a name definitely comes out. And that's the name of Steve Jobs (Steve Jobs). The co-founder of the Apple company, this American does not know the world as a successful entrepreneur, inventor and businessman, but is also counted among the world's leading motivational speakers. And today, while fulfilling our commitment to share with you the best articles with you, one of Steve Jobs's best speeches with us is "Stay Hungry" In Hindi He gave this speech at the Stanford University Convocation (convocation) on 12 June 2005. So let's read - The best speeches ever by Steve Jobs, in Hindi: Steve Jobs's Convocation Address at Stanford "Stay Hungry Stay Foolish" "Thank you, today when I join the convocation of one of the world's most prestigious universities, I myself I am feeling honored. Let me tell you the truth; I have never passed from any college; and for the first time I am going to graduate I have just arrived. Today I want to tell you three stories of my life ... nothing more than just three stories. Today, I am feeling proud to be in the convocation of one of the world's most prestigious universities. Let me tell you the truth; I have never passed from any college; And for the first time today I have reached such a close college graduation ceremony. Today I would like to tell you three stories of my life ... nothing more than just three stories. Today, I am feeling proud to be in the convocation of one of the world's most prestigious universities. Let me tell you the truth; I have never passed from any college; And for the first time today I have reached such a close college graduation ceremony. Today I would like to tell you three stories of my life ... nothing more than just three stories.
    My first story is about connecting points.
    Within six months of taking admission in Reed College, I left my studies, but I went there somehow till 18 months after that. So the question arises why did I leave the college? Actually, it started before my birth. My biological mother * was a young, unmarried graduation, and she wanted to give me somebody else to adopt. But one of their favorite was that a college graduate should adopt me. Everything was absolutely and I was going to be adopted by a lawyer and his wife that suddenly the couple changed their mind and decided that they needed a girl. Therefore, after the midnight my parents, who were in the waiting list, were asked, "We have a boy, would you like to adopt him?" And they hasten yes. Later my mother came to know that my mother is not close to college and her father is not even a high school pass. Therefore, he refused to sign the adoption papers; But after a few months, after assuming the assurance of sending my college to my parents, he agreed. So that my life started like this and after seventeen years I went to college. I accidentally chose expensive college as Stanford. My job profession started to study all the deposits of my parents. After 6 months I did not show any value in this study. I did not understand what I wanted to do in my life, and how the college would help me in this. And above all I was spending my parents' earnings throughout my life. So I decided to drop out of college. .. And thought that would be good. At that time all this was quite scary for me, but when I look back, I think it was the best decision of my life. As soon as I left college, the obligation to do the necessary classes from me was over. And I started quietly only classes of my interest. All this was not so easy. I had no room to stay, so I had to sleep on the floor in the friends room. I used to eat food with the money from returning the coke bottle .... I used to walk 7 miles every Sunday to the Hare Krishna temple, So that at least one day a day can be filled with stomach to eat. It seemed to me quite well Whatever I did in my life due to my curiosity and intuition, it proved invaluable to me later. Here I would like to give an example At that time Reed College was probably the best place in the world where gluttony (calligraphy-calligraphy) was taught *. Every poster in the whole premises, every single label was beautifully written with fingers. Since I had dropped out of college, I had no need to do general classes. I decided that I would call calligraphy classes and learn it well. I learned about serif (shapes shaped with artwork) and without serif type-face (shapes); Creating a space between different alphabets and combining the space - Learn how to make the shapes shaped beautiful can be made beautiful. it was beautiful, It was so artistic that it could not be occupied by science, and I liked it very much. At that time there was little hope that I would use these things in my life. But after ten years when we were making the first Macintosh computer, then I designed it in Mac. And Mac became the first computer in the world with beautiful typography. If I had not dropped out of college then I would never have fonts given in the Mac multi-typeface proportionally, so probably in any personal computer these things are not (and since Windows had copied Mac). If I had never dropped out, then I could never do that calligraphy and then maybe those fonts that are in the personal computer do not happen. Of course, when I was in college, looking at the future by looking at these points (connecting dots) was impossible; But after ten years when I look back, everything looks very clear. You can never combine these points by peeping in the future. You can add these points only by looking at the past; So you have to believe that whatever is happening now, it will be connected to your future in some way. You have to trust in some thing - in your courage, in your destiny, in your life or in your karma ... I have to believe something or something. .. Because believing in this matter will be able to add points that will give you the courage to listen to your heart's voice. .. even when you are walking on a different path. .. and said that will make the difference. So you have to believe that whatever is happening now, it will be connected to your future in some way. You have to trust in some thing - in your courage, in your destiny, in your life or in your karma ... I have to believe something or something. .. Because believing in this matter will be able to add points that will give you the courage to listen to your heart's voice. .. even when you are walking on a different path. .. and said that will make the difference. So you have to believe that whatever is happening now, it will be connected to your future in some way. You have to trust in some thing - in your courage, in your destiny, in your life or in your karma ... I have to believe something or something. .. Because believing in this matter will be able to add points that will give you the courage to listen to your heart's voice. .. even when you are walking on a different path. .. and said that will make the difference. Even when you are walking on a different path. .. and said that will make the difference. Even when you are walking on a different path. .. and said that will make the difference.
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