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    William Shakespeare Biography

    William Shakespeare

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    William Shakespeare
    BirthWilliam Shakespeare 
    April 26, 1564 Strandford, England 
    The deathApril 23, 1616 (age 51) Strandford, England
    Memorial tombsChurch of the Holy Trinity, Strandford
    BusinessPoet, playwright
    Fame reasonPoetry , drama
    SpouseAnnie Hathaway
    childrenSusanna Hall, Hymanette Shakespeare, Udith Quinnie
    mother-fatherJohn Shakespeare, Marie Arden
    last placeChurch of the Holy Trinity, Strandford
    William Shakespeare Signature.svg
    William Shakespeare (23 April 1664 - Baptized April 23, 1564) was an English poet, poetic playwriter and actor. [1]His plays have been translated into almost all major languages [2]
    Shakespeare had a very high degree of creative talent and he also had an intuitive knowledge of the laws of art. He had got a boon from nature, so whatever he touched touched the gold. His compositions are not only an object of pride for the British but also the immortal Lord of the universe. Shakespeare's fancy was as intense as the experience of his life. Hence, while one's achievements of happiness from their plays and their poems, on the other hand, their compositions also give us serious life-course. In the history of the universe, Shakespeare's counterpart is rarely found by the poets. [3]

    Introduction edit ]

    William Shakespeare, John Shakespeare and Mary Arden's eldest son and third child. He was born in Stratford on Avon . In his childhood, his education was held at the local Free Grammar School. Due to the increasing economic difficulties of the father, he had to leave his schooling and go to small businesses. For the livelier he londonDecided to go. There was also another reason for this determination. Perhaps they had to leave their birthplace due to the fear of legal action towards the theft of deer from Sir Tomas Lucy's landowner Sir Tomas Lucie's garden. He was married to Anne Hathaway in 1582. About 1585 Shakespeare came to London Initially, he worked on a small job in a theater, but after a few days he became a member of Lord Chamberlain's company and started participating in acting from time to time in London's main theaters. After eleven years in 1596, he returned to Stratford on Avon and now he strengthened his family's financial system. In 1597, he gradually reformed and expanded. After 1610, he started spending more time in this building and in 1616 he died.

    Works edit ]

    There is a great difference in the relation between Shakespeare's writings. In the year 1930, famous scholar Sir E.K. The tables which the tables presented by the chambers are often well-known today. Even then, the discovery of previous years has made some new assumptions about dates in relation to the dates. On the basis of these new discoveries, Sir Maneke Sir has prepared a new table which is available by Sir E.K. Somewhat different from the list of chambers
    Shakespeare & # 39; s creative talent has evolved into nearly 20 years of literary life. Generally, four different stages are seen in this development. The initial phase ended in 1595 Usually all compositions of this period are experimental. Shakespeare was not able to determine his route yet, so in order to implement various popular compositions, he was continuing his composition, in the repetitive style of the ancient happiness dramas, he wrote "The Comedy of Errors" and "The Taming of the Soo" Composed of Later, in 'Love's Labors Lost', he adopted the custom of Lily's court pleasures. In it the atmosphere of the royal court has been present which is full of interesting conversation with clever characters. Green in 'The Two Gentlemen Ove Verona'The romantic drama Sukhtak plays have been followed. The sorrowful drama is also immemorial. Kid has been followed in 'Richard III' and 'Titus Andranikus', but in Romeo and Juliet, the degree of originality is relatively high. Both famous poems written during this period are the imprint of the era of Italian erudition on 'The Repeat and Lukris' and 'Venus and Adonis'.
    The second stage of evolution ended in 1600. In it, Shakespeare presented many adult creations to the world. Now he has determined his path and earned confidence. 'A Mid Summer Nights Dream' and 'The Merchant We Venice' are interesting and popular drama dramas, but Shakespeare's finest happiness drama 'Mach Aado About Nothing', 'As You Like It' and 'Twelve Night', which are also of more significance than this Written in time. In these plays, the poet's imagination and the greatness of his mind have been published. Best historical dramas were also written at the same time. Richard II, influenced by Marlowe, is far more successful in the creation than the previous masterpiece "Richard III" of the same category. Both parts of 'Henry IV' and 'Henry Pancham', which are well-known historical dramas, are compositions of this period. Shakespeare's often Which are unique to their excellent expression, were written between 1595 and 1607.
    The third stage, which ended in approximately 1607, has special significance in Shakespeare's life. In these years due to family distress and health maladies, the mind of the poet was inclined. So most compositions of these days are sad. World famous sorrow drama Hamlet , Othello , King Lear and Macbeth and Roman tragic drama Julius Caesar , 'Antony and Cleopatra' and 'Coriolanes' were written and starred in this period. 'Trials and Cressida', 'Aals Well That's Well' and 'Major Very Major' have a synthesized expression of happiness and sadness, even then the sad part is preferred.
    In the final stage of development, Shakespeare Surgeon plays Perricilus, Sivellin, 'The Winters Tail', 'The Tempest', which is full of sad prospects and creates a sunny atmosphere even when they are happy. These happy tragedy dramas are termed romance or Shakespeare's final plays.

    Creative features edit ]

    Shakespeare & # 39; s succesful dramas have their own personal characteristics. Although the plots have been followed in 'The Comedy Errors', however, other leisure dramas are quite different from ancient classical plays. The purpose of this is not to eradicate ugly by dramatization and to improve the errors, but to entertain people with interesting narrative and characterization. The subject of all such plays is such a strong feeling of love that, in the mind of young men and women, Is generated. In the path of lovers, the obstacles are initially produced, but the difficulties are destroyed by the end of the play and their results are concluded. The poetic and imaginative expression of life has taken place in these compositions and all the environments are enchanted with excitement. Shakespeare was introduced to some upper class families, and the type of life he saw in them was published in these plays.
    The sad dramas have highlighted the serious problems of human life. The noble well-earned heroes of these plays become victims of torture and destruction after progressing on the path of success and progress for some time. Shakespeare's opinion is clearly expressed on the subject of their suffering and death. The misfortune of the hero is partly due to adverse fate and circumstance, but there is a greater reason for this in his characteristic weakness. In the ancient Greek tragedy dramas, the protagonist was defeated only because of inaccurate decisions or inaccurate perspectives but, perhaps influenced by Christian religion and ethics, Shakespeare kept the prime responsibility of the fall of the protagonist in his plays only on his character's weakness. Hamlet, Athollo, Lear and Macbeth - all these have a lack of character or character that causes their suffering and death. These grievances The dual duality has been reflected in the Khatak dramas, internal duality and neutral duality. Internal divination arises in the mind of the hero, in his thoughts and feelings, and due to his intensity, not only makes the decision difficult, but for some time he also disturbs the distinction of the protagonist. Due to this type of internal duality, the drama has manifested in psychological subtlety and attraction. External duel is caused by the competition of external forces and their struggle, such as mutual opposition of two opposing political parties or armies. In Shakespeare's major tragedies, a very intense atmosphere has been created due to the incarnation of blood and horrific scenes. Even with the inclusion of murder and retribution scenes, the pattern of depression has become deeper. All these characteristics and equipment have been used by Shakespeare to perform some of the oldest plays and Seneca, Kid, Marlowe, etc., and used them in his plays only by keeping in mind the contemporary Lokruchi. The features of the tragedies we mentioned here are found not only in Hamlet, Athlon, King Lear, and Macbeth, but also partly in the tragedy dramas based on Romeo and Juliet and the history of England and Rome. Are.
    Among the historical plays that Shakespeare composed, many of them are Roman history. In the writings of these Roman plays, Shakespeare has changed the facts of history a bit and at some places it appears that the picture of life present is not of ancient Rome but of the Elizabethan carpet of England. Even so, these plays have always been popular, Especially Julius Caesar and Antoine and Cleopatra. Anthony Ad Kleopatra is filled with poetic portions and Cleopatra's characterization is very impressive. Events of Greek history have been depicted in the Times of Athens and Pericles. There are some of the dramas based on English history that are only partially written by Shakespeare, but both parts of Henry IV and Henry VIII are fully acclaimed by Shakespeare. The poet has had great success in all these three plays. It has a very attractive rendition of bravery and dignity, and the character of Falstaff is very interesting and vibrant. Marlow has been successfully followed in Richard III and Richard II. Most of the English historical plays in Shakespeare's East had a non-living depiction of facts and events, and due to the chronic logicality, they were discouraged. Shakespeare plays these types of plays
    The final plays get Shakespeare's mature life experience. Mahakavi had various kinds of experiences in his life, whose glance is seen in many works. There is fantasy in love affairs of romance, and the mind of the poet is Raya in the luxury of youth and youth. In sad dramas there is an expression of such sad experiences that make life poisonous. The culmination of Shakespeare's creation took place in the creation of such plays, in which his perfected intelligence was pursued. The poet now sees with his prudent vision that happiness and misery remain in life, so donations are transient. Sadness remains in both life, so both are transient. Life comes after grief, Therefore, equality in thought and behavior is desirable. From these final plays, the conclusion is that mercy and forgiveness are more prominent than violence and retribution. Due to its serious ethical message these plays have special significance.
    Shakespeare's plays are romanticist and separate from the tradition of ancient Greek and Latin dramas. So it is not appropriate to find the classical characteristics of the objectivity in them. In his last drama 'The Tempest', he has performed all the three actresses. Often, all other plays have taken care of implementation only, in terms of time and place they are very essay. There is always enough detail in the story and in general there are many stories in it. For example, we can take a mid summer nights dream, the merchant as Venice, as you like it or King Lear. All of them have finished manufacturing by mixing many stories. But that does not mean that the texture of Shakespeare's plays is flawed. In the drama of interiors, beautiful, Artistic style has been done and the concept of unity compiled from the entire story gets. Even though there is lack of knowledge in the classical sense, these romantic dramas have emotional and imaginative unification.
    Shakespeare has more success in the theater. In his plays, he has created many attractive characters who come to us in their vibrant form. Over time, the process of characterization became more subtle and artistic. For example, we can take Rosalin, Porsea, Viertras, Rosalind, Vaala Prabhati Pralpha girls, who are involved in Sukhtak plays, who constantly introspect about their intelligent wisdom and vachachuri. They are the females of the second category, due to their unique beauty and perilous experiences, there is an outburst of compassion. The major ones in this female are Juliette, Ophilia, Desdemona, Cardilia, Imogen etc. Characterization is very important in tragic dramas. For example, we can take Hamlet. All the events of the play are centered on the character of the hero and the story develops with the influence of his personality. Partially the same thing, The fact is also true for plays. Among the ancient Greek plays, there are many memorable characters, but the prominent characters of Shakespeare, who are depicted on moral and psychological devices, are far more interesting and attractive. The use of internal conflict has made the drama of sad dramas even more miraculous. Some other characters from Shakespeare's plays are also notable, such as clowns and villains. Falstaff Touchstone, Feste and King Lear's Loyal Spiters are important in the clowns. Among the villains, Richard III, Iago, Edmund Écias, etc. are counted. As Hzlit has written, Shakespeare's power is revealed to him that it is not only a feature of his important characters, but his majority characters also have their personal importance. The dramatics of the plays have become even more miraculous. Some other characters from Shakespeare's plays are also notable, such as clowns and villains. Falstaff Touchstone, Feste and King Lear's Loyal Spiters are important in the clowns. Among the villains, Richard III, Iago, Edmund Écias, etc. are counted. As Hzlit has written, Shakespeare's power is revealed to him that it is not only a feature of his important characters, but his majority characters also have their personal importance. The dramatics of the plays have become even more miraculous. Some other characters from Shakespeare's plays are also notable, such as clowns and villains. Falstaff Touchstone, Feste and King Lear's Loyal Spiters are important in the clowns. Among the villains, Richard III, Iago, Edmund Écias, etc. are counted. As Hzlit has written, Shakespeare's power is revealed to him that it is not only a feature of his important characters, but his majority characters also have their personal importance.
    Although prose has been used somewhere in Shakespeare's plays, even then they are essentially poetic. The majority of them are stereo Not only this, most dramatic compositions are often full of poetic qualities. Shakespeare has created a spontaneous effect by the formation of imagery, figurative expression, musical rhythm, and gentle feelings. Since ancient times the plays were considered to be a distinction of poetry, and Shakespeare accepted ancient notions. Prose is often used for special purpose. But normally we can call Shakespeare's plays as poetic drama. Poetry was initially highly, but Shaniya: Shaniya: His form got restrained and he started taking control of the idea. Similar effort was made to include Shakespeare's style; As a result: In early dramas, there is a great deal of detailed descriptions and beautiful metaphors, when Shakespeare was composing his famous sorrow dramas in his maturity, his style became balanced by that time. Expression was of primary importance in the primary stage and fewer ideas. But in this secondary period, there has been a coordination between ideas, expressions and means of expression. This balanced arrangement focused on Shakespeare's attention thoughts and moral patterns in the last years and he ignored stylistic miracles. That is why the style of the last plays has become somewhere unbounded. There is a proper coordination between the expressions and the means of expression. This balanced arrangement focused on Shakespeare's attention thoughts and moral patterns in the last years and he ignored stylistic miracles. That is why the style of the last plays has become somewhere unbounded. There is a proper coordination between the expressions and the means of expression. This balanced arrangement focused on Shakespeare's attention thoughts and moral patterns in the last years and he ignored stylistic miracles. That is why the style of the last plays has become somewhere unbounded.
    Shakespeare wrote his drama primarily for acting on stage, although due to poetic qualities we get pleasure from reading from them. The arrangement of theater of the theater of the then theater, the popularity of the audience, the impact of all these was on the creation of Shakespeare. Two examples alone will suffice. The colors that were used at that time were not used, so the dramas included many descriptive pieces. Location by these descriptions, There was a sign of time and circumstance. The continuous use of the Self in the plays and it is possible that it was possible that the next triangular part of the theater was forwarded to the observers. The surgeon of many male and female characters, Shakespeare did only because his suitable actor was available. Many scenes have taken place in the entertainment of the audience, where theater has shown exciting and entertaining conditions. Just like today's realistic theater, Elisevat Yugine Theater was packed with abundant resources and fixed arrangements. Both acting and performance were relatively free, so Shakespeare's plays get enough laughter.
    Often, in all the plays, Mahakavi has introduced lyrical riders who are unique to their beauty and melody. Apart from these, there are detailed poems of Shakespeare, which include the mention of 'Wins and Adenis', 'The Rape We Lukris' and Sannets. All of these works are from the last decade of the 16th century when Shakespeare's mind was shocked by the influence of beauty and romance. An old myth is described in a very poetic manner in 'Wins and Adonis'. 'The Rape over Lukris' In the story of the misfortune and death of an absolute beautiful Roman woman. There are some in Sannets that belong to a friend of the poet who had decided not to marry. Shakespeare has urged him to change his decision while referring to his form and qualities. The second sequence of senets is related to a Shyamvarna woman who had developed a strong attraction in the mind of every poet, but without respecting that affection, she gave her love to the poet's friend, keeping in mind that the first order of senets was written. Shakespeare has published his inner feelings in these senets or he is merely a traditional composition, the question is highly controversial. Keeping in mind that the first order of senets was written. Shakespeare has published his inner feelings in these senets or he is merely a traditional composition, the question is highly controversial. Keeping in mind that the first order of senets was written. Shakespeare has published his inner feelings in these senets or he is merely a traditional composition, the question is highly controversial.[4]
    Base texts
    • Bradley, A.C. : Shakespearean tragedy (1952),
    • Nicole, Alardice: Studies in Shakespeare (1927),
    • Harrison, G.V., Shakespeare's Tragedies (1951),
    • Barkt, Granville: Prefaces Shakespeare.

    Writing and published works edit ]

    the dramaWriting / first stagingPublicationHindi translationtranslatorPublisher
    Henry VI Part I1592 March 31594------------
    Henry VI, Part II1592-931594------------
    Henry VI, Part III1592-931623------------
    Titus Andronicus1594 January 241594------------
    The Comedy of Errors1594 December 281623MazeRangeya RaghavRajpal and Sanz, Delhi
    Taming of the Shrew1593-941623
    1. Change
    2. Albela-Albeli
    1. Rangeya Raghav
    2. Gaurishankar rana
    1. Rajpal and Sanz, Delhi
    2. National Book Trust, India, New Delhi
    Two Gentlemen of Verona1594-951623------------
    Love's Labour's Lost1594-951598Sterilized loveRangeya RaghavRajpal and Sanz, Delhi
    Romeo and Juliet1594-951597Romeo JulietRangeya RaghavRajpal and Sanz, Delhi
    A Midsummer Night's Dream1595-961600
    1. Phagun fair
    2. Cupid's dream of his spring
    1. Raghuveer Sahay
    2. Habib Tanveer
    1. Rajkamal, New Delhi (in the composition)
    2. Wani Publications, New Delhi
    The Merchant of Venice1596-971600
    1. Rare bondage
    2. Venice Dealer
    1. Bharatendu Harishchandra
    2. Rangeya Raghav
    1. Several
    2. Rajpal and Sanz, Delhi
    Henry IV, Part I1597-981598------------
    Henry IV, Part II1597-981600------------
    Much Ado About Nothing1598-991600SesameRangeya RaghavRajpal and Sanz, Delhi
    Henry V1598-991600------------
    As You Like It1599-001623As you wishRangeya RaghavRajpal and Sanz, Delhi
    Julius Caesar1600-011623Julius CaesarRangeya RaghavRajpal and Sanz, Delhi
    Richard II1601 February 71597------------
    Richard III1600-011597------------
    1. Amritrai
    2. Rangeya Raghav
    3. Harivansh Rai Bachchan
    1. Hans Publications, Allahabad
    2. Rajpal and Sanz, Delhi
    3. Rajkamal, New Delhi (in the composition)
    The Merry Wives of Windsor1600-011602------------
    Twelfth Night1602 February 21623
    1. twelfth Night
    2. twelfth Night
    1. Rangeya Raghav
    2. Raghuveer Sahay
    1. Rajpal and Sanz, Delhi
    2. Rajkamal, New Delhi (in the composition)
    All's Well That Ends Well1602-031623------------
    Troilus and Cressida1604 February 71609------------
    Measure for Measure1604 December 261623------------
    1. Othello
    2. Othello
    3. Othello
    4. Othello
    1. Rangeya Raghav
    2. Harivansh Rai Bachchan
    3. Raghuveer Sahay
    4. Diwakar prasad student
    1. Rajpal and Sanz, Delhi
    2. Rajkamal, New Delhi (in the composition)
    3. Rajkamal, New Delhi (in the composition)
    4. Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi
    King Lear1606 December 261608
    1. King Lear
    2. King Lear
    1. Harivansh Rai Bachchan
    2. Arun Sharma
    1. Rajpal and Sanz, Delhi, and Rajkamal Publications, New Delhi (in the composition)
    2. Publishing Institute, New Delhi
    1. Macbeth
    2. Macbeth
    3. Barnam Forest
    1. Rangeya Raghav
    2. Harivansh Rai Bachchan
    3. Raghuveer Sahay
    1. Rajpal and Sanz, Delhi
    2. Rajkamal, New Delhi (in the composition)
    3. Rajkamal, New Delhi (in the composition)
    Antony and Cleopatra1606-071623------------
    Timon of Athens1607-081623------------
    The Tempest1611 November 11623stormRangeya RaghavRajpal and Sanz, Delhi
    The Winter's Tale1611-121623------------
    Henry VIII1612-131623------------
    The Two Noble Kinsmen1612-131634------------

    References edit ]

    1. ↑ "Secrets hidden in Shakespeare's grave!" .
    2.  Craig 2003, 3 K
    3. Hindi Encyclopedia , Volume-11, Civil Prahari Sabha, Varanasi, ed.-1969, pp0-298.
    4. Hindi encyclopedia , section 11, Nagari Praveen Sabha, Varanasi, v.1969, p0-295 to 298. [The original author of this article is Ram Awadh Dwivedi . The full article given here is just as quoted. The list of the original texts is given in the 'base-book'.]

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